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Annotation Overview

Annotations are critical or explanatory notes added to a text, image or other data. They are references that point to the specific part of data. For example: You can add annotations under the widgets in AIV dashboard.

Annotations enables users to add shapes and text to make information more meaningful for the business.

πŸ‘‡ You will learn to Create Annotation Group:​

Annotation Group: Here annotation provides the feature to create group. By creating annotation group, user will learn to keep multiple annotations in a single annotation group.

πŸ‘‡ You will learn to Create/Edit Annotation:​

Creating/Edit annotation: By above tutorial user will learn to create and edit the annotations as per their requirements.

πŸ‘‡ You will learn to Edit, copy & Rename Annotation:​

Copy/Rename annotation: By above tutorial user will learn to copy the annotation items to multiple groups.

Introduction to Annotations:-

Annotations section is located under Master Data from the main menu bar (Only users with Annotations privilege have access to this section)

Annotations tab can be accessed by clicking on Annotations or by clicking on Docusaurus Slash Introduction next to the Annotations tab, which will open the Annotations in a new tab.

Annotations provides the user with the following functionality:-

πŸ‘‡More features of AIV as follows:​

Create group​

Create item​

Edit Annotation​

Copy Annotation​

Rename Annotation​

Delete Annotation​